Inara 18 Months!

Inara is growing up so quickly! We had her 18 month appointment with an osteopath in town. It went well, I think...Here are her stats from that day.
Length 30.75 inches - 19th percentile
Head 18 inches - 24th percentile
Weight - 20 lbs - 3rd percentile

The doc was worried a bit about her weight, but she is still breastfed quite a bit and eats food 2-3 times a day. He thought she might not be absorbing her nutrients, but our chiro doesn't think it is an issue.
Okay, that was the basic stuff!

We had our first swim lessons for her a few weeks ago! She was the youngest in her class, but I didn't want to sign her up for the infant class since she was at the top of that age bracket. She learned things like putting her ear in the water, jumping off the side of the pool and climbing out, kicking in the water and a few other things. Some things she was not able to do yet, but we can work on those on our own! Once she got over the initial fear of the water, she LOVED it!

She is showing her personality more each day! I know I say this all the time, she is so interactive! This evening, while stalling for bed, I gave her Larry the Cucumber stuffed veggie a kiss goodnight. She thought that was cute and proceeded to have her stuffed veggie kiss some of her other stuffed toys good night as well. :) Be still my heart.

But there are the times when she is such a toddler! It has mostly come out when we are running errands. The grocery story is a recent nemesis of mine unless I'm going alone! She refuses to sit in the cart and easily gets out of the restraints and wants me to chase her all over the store! I'm really surprised that I don't come out of the store with things I would never buy and half of what I need missing! Once we have 2 kids, I think I will have to go shopping WITHOUT them. :)

But really, she is a sweetheart and she was sick this week and all she wanted to do was cuddle and sleep with her mama.


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