More Babble and Book Adventures

Inara is changing so much so quickly that I cannot remember all her new "skills" she is learning! One thing is for sure, she knows much more than I am aware! One day, she suddenly knew the word bed mostly to be used in a stalling tactic at bedtime. She would prefer to play in our bed than to go to her own. Sleeping is the most challenging part of raising Inara. I'm supposed to be going to bed earlier, but when Inara doesn't go down until 10 PM, what is a mom to do?

When we are reading at bedtime, she sees the smallest thing that she knows or something of interest and she wants to take it out of the book and use it! She saw a pair of cartoon glasses and tried to get them to put on her eyes. When she sees a page of food, she says "num, num, nummy" and also tried to take the food off the page for her keeping or eating. :)

We just finished her first swim lessons and she loved it, despite turning blue from the cold water on some days. She learned to climb out of the pool, jump back in, go under water and a few other things. She is gaining a slow independence in the water. And I finally had to break down and buy a swimsuit after at least 5 years of avoiding the water. I suppose I will need to take her to the pool several times this summer as she enjoyed it so much. I don't want her to lose her love of water right now as her first time in the water was NOT a success.

While we are inside though, she is a toddler through in through. When she is not running to the toilet to splash around she is taking handfuls of dirt from the ONE house plant I kept a spreading it all over the house. For those reading this, please don't mind my messy house!

But she is the sweetest girl and is such a snuggler and loves to laugh. What more could a mom want really? On top of that she is already 18 months old! Where has the time gone?

These videos are posted at the request of my Great Aunt Joy! Enjoy! Note: I could have taken more video, but got tired. :)


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