February Flicks

Okay, so I am far behind in my posts as I have starting working 12 hours a week. It really makes a huge difference! So even though I have yet to post pics from November, December, and January, but this is just to exciting NOT to post! It's even a little more exciting than Inara's first birthday, Sorry, Inara... I guess each new milestone might feel like this. I feel like she has been working on this one for so much longer than other accomplishments. Okay, now to the point! Inara took her first steps yesterday! February 26, 2010 she was taking 2-4 steps at a time! Here's the video!

Inara has also been doing the silliest things lately!

One evening, she wanted Dad to put her coat hood over her face. Then she would crawl around until she hit an obstacle, take off the hood and then ask for it to be put over her eyes again. I thought I had a good video, but of course she stopped by that time.

Starting laughing just to get us all laughing! and it's a good hardy laugh...

Grinding her teeth because of the reaction she gets from her mama. Yeah, I'm working on this, but it makes me cringe!

Thanks to Grandmama, if you ask Inara "What does the dragon say" she growls at you. She will growl at anything! Last night, she heard her daddy snoring and she growled back. She growls at the dogs, because, well, they growl at her. Any sound she hears that resembles a growl, you can expect to get one back!

Some cute things she does is singing or swaying to the music. My ringtone is the theme song from the Office and when she heard it come on TV the other day, she started to sway (dance as we call it).

Tonight she was so focused on what she was playing with and I started to sing the night, night song and she started to sway. I think she inherited my hearing...

She also likes to brush her hair and her teeth (with our toothbrushes of course).

Just yesterday, she first wanted her mittens on, then she requested her hat, and finally, about 30 minutes later, she wanted her big winter coat on. She spent all morning like this!

There are too many things to list! Here is video of her trying to feed herself acorn squash. What a mess!


Anonymous said...

Hi Amelia, what great pictures of Inara. Kathy Jo ( my precious "baby") is her. My days of raising babies are over!!!!! We wish you the very best in raising our great grand-daughter....just like we raised Kathy Jo! You and Don will make great parents and Kathy and Bruce will make great grandparents! Congratulations again. Just wait until baby number 2 comes along...then you will
know what the words "double duty" realy mean.

Grandma Christenson

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