A Few More Thoughts

I'm really having a hard time keeping up with blogging about how she progresses and the funny/sweet things she does.  This morning, as I was getting ready, Inara wanting something in the drawer.  So she opened it to get out my brush.  Since she was able to hold her head up, I would always brush my hair and brush hers. She loved it! She has only done this once before, but she took the brush (this time with the bristles facing the right way) and brushed her hair.  It was so sweet!

On the more ornery side of Inara....We are working on responding to the word "No" but it is a challenge! Right now, she enjoys feeding the dogs her food from the high chair.  When her daddy would say "No", she got this look in her eye that was so mischievous.  After a few seconds of holding the food out ready to drop, she gave daddy a little giggle.  Oh boy. Have the terrible twos now become the terrible ones? No, she's really not that bad, but I guess we've got our work cut our for us. My mom, on the other hand, is quite "encouraging". She keeps saying things such as "You were never this energetic" or "Inara is quite tenacious", etc, etc. :)   Tonight she was playing with the dog food bowls and Sedy has a food/water bowl combination. I had taken away the water dish so she wouldn't be soaked before bed, so she decided to get Gali's food bowl and replace the empty spot!

I'm also hopeful to start weaning her soon, but that is proving to be a lost cause right now.  She eats pretty well during the day, but still wakes up often to nurse.  hmm....I will keep at it, because nursing is starting to be a game for Inara.  Not so much fun for Mama.  And to top it off, I think some more teeth are starting to poke their way through and I read that molars can start coming any day now!

It's such a wonderful adventure!


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