The Differences of Mama & Daddy

There are a myriad of differences between Mama and Daddy. Mama is very meticulous and careful about every little thing when it comes to Inara. Daddy is a bit more haphazard in his methodology. It doesn't help he has a very short attention span.

Mama won't leave the house without bringing a hundred different things we MIGHT need for Inara on a short trip to the store, whereas Daddy might just bring Inara. Daddy might not dress Inara in a coat if it's mildly chilly because he says that's what HIS coat is for. They love to snuggle. Mama always brings a jacket, hat, and blanket because you never know what you might need.

Daddy is okay with cloth diapers, but he still requires some assistance from Mama. Mama has become quite good at putting cloth diapers on Inara while she is upside down.

But when all is said and done and when it comes down to it, it really doesn't matter how Inara is taken care of. What matters is that she is loved IMMENSELY and has all they she will ever need, in any form!

P.S. I stole this idea from an old friend on her blog. :)


Lori said...

Was that old friend me? I just clicked through to here for the first time after you commented on mine, and I thought "how fun - I remember a post like this from awhile ago!" I love your theme, btw, we use this layout for a website at work and I just LOVE it!

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